Hellbound - Maps
GROUND ZERO (Survival Map 1)

After humans revived the massacred body of Hellgore, they sent the former Originative warrior back to his own planet to destroy the old altars of interplanetary teleportation.

But first, they needed to do some tests to be sure the new mission wasn’t going to fail like before. So they found an island located in an ocean of lava. Creatures could detect Hellgore there, attack him and prepare him for battle.
THE RESISTANCE (Campaign Map 1)

At this first sector of the mission, the Originatives had previously entrenched to fight back against the demon invaders. This zone has now been populated by demons, but also by former warriors from The Resistance now transformed to Hell Knights.
UNHOLY LANDS (Campaign Map 2)

Here the Originatives used to do rituals and ceremonies venerating the old Gods. After the demons’ arrival, this sacred place ended up totally corrupted and most of it buried under a sea of lava.
UNHOLY DUST (Survival Map 2)

Once regained the Unholy Lands and before they were fully covered in lava, Hellgore returns to continue cleaning any impure life remaining in this sacred zone.

Originally was a place where the old Originatives slept their eternal rest. But after the invasion, it became a dump for all the bodies and memories of the former soldiers fallen in battle.
DEAD FOREST (Campaign Map 4)

Far away from the cities, the Dead Forest was a refuge for many dispersed Originatives after the invasion. Some of them used these locations to ambush the demons that entered and got lost with the high vegetation.
DEAD CASTLE (Survival Map 3)

Inside the Dead Forest there was an old observatory created by the Originatives, but it ended up converted into a war zone for Hellgore and his practices against the invading creatures.
FLYING SOULS (Campaign Map 5)

In an attempt to save part of their people, the Originatives used their ancestral technology to raise on the air a big chunk of land with many of the survivants. But this ended up being another fail, since the invaders brought their flying creatures to attack the city from the sky.
CITY OF FURY (Campaign Map 6)

Closed by big walls, the City of Fury grants access to the interior of planet Hell, where the ancient altars are located. A big door protects the entrance and exit from the citadel, but it can only be opened using the three key stones of Vikrock.
FURY ROAD (Survival Map 4)

In the outskirts of the City of Fury and after the demonic invasion, there is a clearing surrounded by an enormous sand storm. Hellgore revisits this place to continue massacring the enemy creatures that are still wandering the surface.
ENDLESS HIVE (Campaign Map 7)

Mining zone located below the surface of Hell, where the Originatives used to extract the valuable Vikrock. This mineral was the main resource for the construction of the Originatives’ buildings, but it is also the energy source for the entire planet and for the old altars.
THE CORE (Campaign Map 8)

In the depths of the Vikrock mines, there is a feared creature known as Ferlord. In its cave, decorated with the rests of Originatives and of their own brothers, it protects the entrance to the old altars.
THE REFUGE (Survival Map 5)

Once the guardian of the cave is exterminated, Hellgore returns to continue burying the remaining creatures inside the refuge of their own defeated leader.
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